Broxh Net Worth, Biography, Age, Real Name

The Biography Of Broxh

This is the Broxh net worth and full Biography on WorthMax, He is a comedian and he was born and raised up in New Zealand country.

Broxh Date Of Birth

Few years ago, the famous comedian Broxh was born on April 1975 in his origin country.

Broxh Age

He is currently 51 years old as of (2022), he will soon become 52 in the next year 2023.

Broxh Net Worth

The net worth of Broxh is estimated about $600,000 US Dollars equivalent to about £598,000 in euro currency, you can also read the source of income of sean bridon comedy and his net worth.

Broxh Occupation

He is a Content Creator, YouTuber, Comedian.

Broxh Source Of Income

He makes his income from his professional career and his net worth is archived from YouTube as been a Content Creator.

Broxh Real Name

According to the source Broxh biography on RedBull Broxh real name is Daytona Taputu, but he is popularly known as Broxh.

Broxh Country and Nationality

He is from New Zealand and he was raised in his Country and still base in New Zealand.

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