Hamid Mir Net Worth, Biography, Age, Wife, Children

Hamid Mir was born on (July 23, 1966) he is a Pakistani, chronicler and writer journalist.

Full Name: Hamid Mir
Father Name: Waris Mir
Mother Name: Mumtaz Mir
Wife: Naheed Hamid
Children: 2
Nationality: Pakistani
Country: Pakiatan
Born/Date Of Birth: 23 July 1966 Lahore , Punjab, Pakistan
Age: 56 (2022)
High School Education: Masters
Almar Mater: University of Punjab, Government College University, Government College of Science
Years Active: 1987 – Present
Known For: Interviewing Osama bin Laden
Occupation/Work: Journalist, Content Writer
Marital Status: Married
Race/Origin/Ethinc/Tribe: Paki
Religion: Islam
Email: Under Research
Phone Number: Under Research
Net Worth: $5 Millions USD

He organized a political talk show. Since 2002, he has written heat for capital conversation on Geo News and heat for English newspapers and English and newspapers.

Domestic and international. It was . Washington Post since June 2021. It is well known as his position on the domination of the installation.

Hamid Mir survived two assassins attempts, three times on television, and lost twice because of his position on media and human rights.

Hamid Mir Early Life And Personal Life

Mir is the only journalist in the world Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attack. His career, Mir, has also interviewed a variety of world leaders.

Former UN secretary – Ban General Ki Moon, Secretary of State John Kerry, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Secretary of State Colin Powell, United States.

Hamid interviewed Nelson Mandela, Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President, US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, Yasser Arafat, Indian leader L.K. Advani, Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai and Shimon Peres.

Some notable things Pakistanian politician interviewed by Hamid Mir Benazir Bhutto, Pervezz Musharraf, Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan, Mir Zafarualah Khan Jamali and Arif Alvi. Mir also interviewed the actors.

Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan. [19 ] He won a civil prize for his . Work in Pakistan. In 2016, he won the most . Recovery Reporter Award “in Hague by Press unlimited.

Hamid Mir he received a life Realization of former Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Lahore public university His work as an ancient news. Hamid Mir is the only journalist to take care of the war in South Asia.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Bosnia and Sri Lanka. For his war and conflict relationship, he 2010 Prize Saarc Lifetime Achievement Award In New Delhi.

Hamid Mir is a regular participant in international seminars. And a meeting on security, human rights and the media freedom. He gave a conference at Harvard.

London Oxford University Yale University California University and California University, Berkeley.

Hamid Mir’s grandfather was Mir Abdul Aziz of Sialkot. Mir’s father Waris Mir is also a Jangand daily columnist and Mir’s mother is Mumtaz Mir who immigrated to Pakistan from Jammu and Kashmir in India in 1947.

His father died in Lahore on 9 July 1987 and his mother died in 1993. Hamid Mir studied at Government University College and Punjab University.

Mir is married to Nahid Khame, who has worked for Pakistani television and private television channels for many years. The couple has two children. His two children and wife spent time abroad in 2007 for security reasons.

Hamid Mir Journalist Career

Hamid Mir joined the Daily Journal (Lahore) in 1987 and has worked as an assistant editor, reporter, writer and editor.

In 1990, Mir was abducted, beaten and taken home, where the kidnappers demanded the source of a critical story he had written about President Ghulam Ishaq Khan’s attempts to overthrow the Bhutto government.

In 1994, he provoked a scandal with the purchase of a submarine. Several close friends of Asif Zardari (husband of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto) were implicated in the scandal, along with several naval officers.

Hamid Mir lost her job at the Daily Journal the day her article was published.

In 1996, Mir became editor of the Daily Pakistan in Islamabad and the youngest editor of a national Urdu language newspaper in the history of Pakistani journalism.

In 1997, he lost his job again after writing an article for the Daily Pakistan about allegations of corruption by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Also on 25 December 1997, he appointed Harian Ausaf (Islamabad) as editor. Mir was the first Pakistani journalist to interview Osama bin Laden.

He first interviewed bin Laden and the Daily Pakistan in March 1997 in a cave in Mount Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan. Mir had a second interview with bin Laden and Osaf in May 1998 at a hideout near Kandahar International Airport.

Hamid is the first and last female journalist to interview bin Laden since 9/11. On November 8, 2001, he interviewed bin Laden for the third time for Dawn and Ausaf at an undisclosed location near Kabul.

Mir traveled to eastern Afghanistan in December 2001 to investigate Osama bin Laden’s escape from the Tora Bora mountains.

Mir visited bin Laden’s cave during the US bombing. Mir also claimed that Hazrat Ali, leader of the US-backed Northern Alliance, secured safe passage for bin Laden after receiving a large bribe.

Hamid also wrote weekly columns for Osama bin Laden’s biography and the Journal of the Journal.

In 2002, Mir joined Geo News and started hosting Capital Talk, Pakistan’s oldest current affairs programme, a non-political talk show.

Hamid Mir also hosts special programs focusing on crisis zones, the most important of which occurred during the 2009 Long March. Its popularity grew as Geo became one of the most popular TV channels in Pakistan.

Discuss current events and controversial issues. [17] [44] Mir was arrested in July 2006 in Beirut during the Israeli-Lebanese War to document the bombing of Beirut by an Israeli Hezbollah fighter jet, but was released after Hezbollah made sure he was not an Israeli spy.

Just seconds after he escaped, the place was bombarded by Israeli forces and narrowly escaped the scenario.

Hamid Mir Recognition And Awards

Hilal-i-Imtiaz Award for Journalism Services from the PNP government led by President Zardari on 14 August 2012.

On March 26, 2010, the South Asia Writers and Literature Foundation’s Regional Cooperation Foundation presented Mir with the 2010 SAARC General Contribution Award “. in Pakistan.

Hamid Mir received the Agakhee Award for Favorite Host in the People’s Choice category on March 28, 2012.

On April 13, 2013, a video surfaced on social media showing Hamid Mir receiving the “Friend of the Liberation War” award from Sheikh Hasina.

Named after his father Varis Mir. The video caused a bit of controversy in Pakistan.

In 2015, The Washington Post called Mir “Pakistan’s most famous TV journalist on the run.”

In 1998, Hamid Mir received the APNS Award for Best Urdu Columnist.

Hamid Mir Assignations Attempt

He also became the target of an assassination attempt in November 2012, when sappers managed to deactivate a 0.5 kg explosive device installed in his car.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the incident. On April 19, 2014, Hamid Mir was shot dead by an shooter and received three gunshot wounds.

Earlier, he sent a message to the committee informing colleagues that the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI and its leader, Lieutenant General Zahir-ul-Islam, would be held accountable if attacked.

To protect video journalists pursuing ISI in the event of an assassination attempt. Geonews was also blocked due to Hamid Mir’s comments.

Hamid Mir Criticism

Hamid Mir said I have been repeatedly accused of supporting the Taliban. Taliban supporters accused him of being a CIA agent under the command of CIA agent Farhan Dhadwal.

The Taliban claimed to have planted a bomb under his car. [78] He was appointed agent in India after inviting Pervez Hoodbhoy to his program.

The next day, some Urdu-language media were outraged that two Indian agents appeared on Geo TV.

After his release in 2007, Musharraf declared Hamid Mir a Taliban sympathizer and banned him from Geo TV for more than four months.

In an interview with MonthlyNewsline Karachi (December 2008), Mir explained the difference with Musharraf.

Peace was threatened by several armed groups when he wrote an investigative article on the Taliban.

In 2009, Mir compared Hamas and the Taliban. According to Mir, “Hamas may have more suicide bombers than the Taliban, but they are different.”

In an article titled “Hamas Built a Bomber School During the Taliban,” Mir wrote that both Hamas and the Taliban were born in refugee camps and both were initially expelled by the West.

Mir claims that several Hamas leaders were educated at Pakistani universities, and many of them were close to Abdullah Azam, who was a member of the Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union and Osama bin Laden’s mentor in the early 1980s.

Hamid Mir Net Worth

The famous Pakistan journalist Hamid Mir has an estimated net worth of about $5 Millions US Dollar equivalent to about 1 Billion Rupee in Pakistan currency. Hamid mir net worth is archived from his professional career, he is well rich man in Pakistan.

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